Connecting to Protect

A world-first global initiative to tackle children and young people's online pornography access, focussing on mental health and safety consequences.

The Connecting to Protect Global Coalition is launching soon

The 2022 Stronger Together Summit, held in February 2022, was a world-first initiative to address this issue globally. The Stronger Together Summit – protecting children from online pornography by inviting a public health response, facilitated expert-led educational and collaborative sessions on strategic responses to protect children and young people from online pornography. Hosted by Connecting to Protect, the summit focused on:

  • Current Research, neuroscience, psychology, child protection, and sociology
  • Legislation and policy
  • Technology and age verification
  • Education & awareness strategies across all sectors
  • Therapeutic protocols and strategies
  • Lobbying or other campaign successes
  • Child exploitation prevention & intervention (related to porn harms)

As part of participating in this world-first initiative, we requested that our delegates read and agree to our memorandum of understanding so that we have a shared understanding for collaboration.

Lessons learned from the inaugural 2022 Global Virtual Summit will inform a Global Action Plan: Strategic Response Report. We aim to:

  • Connect, educate, and mobilize key stakeholders globally to prevent and address the negative impacts caused to children and young people accessing legal pornography online.
  • Identify and educate key individuals to champion a strategic response to help align all countries’ initiatives globally.
  • Launch and establish membership in the Connecting to Protect Global Coalition
  • Invite contributions to the Connecting to Protect Global Resource & Research Hub. The Global Resource Hub will include a collection of policy and legal templates, processes for implementing safeguarding measures for child protection, and links to vetted therapeutic and education materials. The Global Research Hub will incorporate reviews and links to existing journal articles, scholarly recommendations to address porn harms, methodologies and templates, and suggestions for further research.

Thank you to our sponsors




How does porn affect our lives?

The risks and harms caused by pornography are becoming increasingly apparent, as are the people appealing for help. Subsequently, “How Does Porn Affect Our Lives?” offers exceptional insight into the issues faced by children and individuals alike.

The documentary covers, through real-life testimony, the biological and personal aspects in a simple, attractive, and didactic way. Analyzed by psychiatrists, psychologists and educators, the effects of pornography are explored while retracing the long journey of a former addict affected since childhood. Relying on research, the Spanish filmmakers provide practical tools and solutions to parents who want to protect their children. Similarly, this documentary offers much-needed insight for people struggling to get out of addiction through the lens of positive approaches to living a healthy and fulfilling sexuality.

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For more information on supporting the conference, please contact: Tania Loftsgard, University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work. Phone: +1.403.220.3622